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Wisconsin Common Career and Technical Core Standards

About this resource:

Title en-US:  Wisconsin Common Career and Technical Core Standards
Description en-US:  This new set of standards provides CTE programs an opportunity to develop a single course for exploring career pathway; as well as developing programs and pathways which include a sequence of courses that have an expectation of proficiency and mastery of skills for students who concentrate in CTE. These standards also serve as a framework to align existing course content to identify gaps and inform curricular decisions. However, the full scope of a set of standards should not be used as a measure of a course or program's completeness. Rather, distinctive conversations and informed decisions with involvement of multiple stakeholders, including business/industry and postsecondary representation, should be made regarding what is and what is not covered in a course, a sequence of courses or a program. Where one district may focus, due to local and community needs or other influences, on a single pathway, another may fully develop multiple pathways. These standards provide a foundation for a variety of applications in each of Wisconsin's districts.
Publication Status: 
Career Education
Education Level: 
Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Date Valid: 
Repository Date: 

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